20% of pupils leave school without a recognised diploma

The National School for Adults (ENAD) was founded on a very simple observation: in Luxembourg, 20 out of 100 pupils leave school without a diploma or certificate! While the reasons for dropping out are many and varied, another reality is obvious: a certificate or diploma is considered an indispensable passport to the world of work.

Since 2009: offering a second chance

Since 2009, the school has enabled young adults to return to the national education system in order to

  • obtain a certification recognised in the framework of secondary education,
  • obtain a recognised vocational training qualification,
  • or to re-enter the initial training system.

The world is changing – so are the training needs

Over time, it has been observed that more and more adults are using training courses that give them recognised qualifications directly. Their needs are different, their autonomy is greater and they are especially interested in reconciling work, study and private life.

A school with a national vocation

The fight against exclusion and the redefinition of the concept of early school leaving have forced schools to constantly reposition themselves in relation to the demands imposed by the development of society. Today, the name ‘national’ underlines the unique and public character of the school in Luxembourg and emphasises its particular autonomy within the framework of the diversification of the school offer, complementary to that organised in the lycées.